Sunday, 10 April 2011

*Find any Website IP address using ping

Ping is a basic Internet program that lets you verify that a particular IP address exists and can accept requests. Using ping, you can learn the number form of the IP address from the domain name.

To find your IP address using ping, perform the following steps:-

1. From the Start menu, click Run.

2. To access a command prompt, in the Open box, enter cmd (or command, if you wish). Click OK.

3. Then type "ping" then a space and then a website name for example lets try ""

4. Look theirs youtube IP address will display.

Another way to get command (cmd) prompt..........

1. First open a new note pad document.
2. Then type

3. Then go to file and then save as

4.Name it command.bat and then save it to desktop.

5. The file and it should look like this.

6. After open that file.. Then bam! command prompt is open!


1 comment:

  1. Very Nice,But i found the Website Domain Name ip-address here Whoisxy
