Thursday 5 May 2011


What is Cryptography?

According to the Oxford English Dictionary cryptography is, "A secret manner of writing ...
intelligible only to those possessing the key; also anything written in this way. Generally, the art of
writing or solving ciphers." A secret code used in cryptography is called a cipher, the process of

using a cipher to turn a plain document into a secret text is called encryption, and the reverse
process is called decryption. decryption

The word "encrypt" means to hide, or to make secret. The earliest forms of cryptography (which just means "secret writing") used simple ciphers to turn ordinary text into unreadable nonsense.

You use encryption to ensure that information is hidden from anyone for whom it is not intended, even those who can see the encrypted data. The process of reverting ciphertext to its original plaintext is called decryption. 
How to encrypt password...
The password is "softracks"...
  1. To encrypt go to: and enter password which is "softracks" in the text box. then click on "Encrypt" to get the encrypted password. which is "c29mdHJhY2tz".
  2. Now, Reverse the string obtained by step 1, go to: and enter the string in the text box and click on "Reverse", which is "zt2YhJHdm92c". Copy the converted string.
  3. Now, Encrypt the string with Hex, go to: and enter string copied in step 2 then click on "Convert" to convert the string into Hex, which should be look like this "7a743259684a48646d393263". This is your encrypted password.
How to decrypt password...
your encrypted password is "7a743259684a48646d393263". Now to get the actual password follow the steps.....
  1. Go to: and enter the encrypted password, then click on "Convert" to get the decoded string. 
  2. Now, go to: to reverse the string, reverse it and copy the reveres string.
  3. Now, decrypt the password, go to: enter the string, click on decrypt. Now you get your actual password which is "softracks".


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